

This site tends to hold geeky things.

Tidying up

Tidying up

Yes, this site has been neglected.

But it has received some love. Due to my discontinuing my account at hostmonster, I’ve re-done the DNS server information at to point only at the site on squarespace. Whilst I have my old posts going back about twenty years as most of them are of zero relevance now - and I’m starting with a clean slate. Some may be re-worked and updated.

Going forward this will still be a ‘general’ site - things that interest me - but it’ll be more ‘timeless’ in nature and tending toward more geeky topics. For a while, it might seem a little bare.

At least. That’s the plan.

Everything is shiny and new again.

Some Posts



Fitting an AXA Defender lock

Fitting an AXA Defender lock